I fell in love with Hattie Big Sky at first sight. Yeah. I judged gazillion books by it's cover. but Hattie Big Sky proves to be as beautiful as the cover. even better.
The story is quite simple and I was actually rolling my eyes at the review, but since there's not much interesting books in the school library, i thought i'll give it a try.
It's about a girl. the kind of pioneer laura-ingalls homesteading girl. she's an orphan and she's tired of having to move to one family to another. so she when his uncle send her a letter about inheriting her his 320 acres land in montana (he died), she decided it would be good to try. but the thing is, she must prove up that she can deal with the harsh montana life in order to get the land.
Hattie doesn't only learn to make fences and plow lands. she learns that family doesn't have to be biological.
yeah it sounds boring. but well, for this book, DO NOT judge a book by it's review. judge it by the cover instead :D
it's a lot better than Laura Ingalls i think. and Laura Ingalls' life do sound like a fairy tale compared to Hattie's.
believe me. it's not one you'll want to miss. The end broke my heart but i got over it. What breaks my heart is having to say goodbye to Hattie, and to her montana life.