This is inspired by twitter's trending topic right now: Dear future wife.
it's weird you know, to think that you're somewhere in this world, probably updating twitter. or eating tomatoes. or picking your nose.
you probably never think that somewhere... there's this person who you may not even know. and she's going to be your wife. someday.
and yeah. i'm thinking of you right now.
whoever you are.
and realize how stupid this is.
there is even a 50% chance that you doesnt exist you know...
well that is if i doesnt get married.
well YES i do wonder who you are and what you're doing right now and what you're thinking of and what you look like.
i wonder if you have a dog.
or if you're tired of your dog.
or if you like walking your dog.
i wonder if you like to watch Glee.
and who's your favourite.
or if you're a fan of kurt too. well i guess not.
I wonder if you have a blog.
I wonder what kinds of book you read.
I wonder if you even like to read.
i hope so.
well the good news is we dont have to buy books for our kids later. i'll save tons of them and we're going to have quite a library.
i hope.
I wonder if you watch ESPN. I dont.
I wonder if you watch Disney.
I wonder if you think love quotes these days are kind of cheesy.
I wonder if you read love quotes.
I wonder if you collect everything and just dont dare to throw them away.
if you do, our future house would be a total mess.
I wonder if you can stand the phrase 'I wonder' if i show you this. someday.
Yes. i could be stupid.
writing silly things like this.
you better try to get used to it.
I warned you.
and i could be messy.
like real messy.
you know what,
i'm somewhat sleepy. and i haven't even eat dinner.
someday i'm gonna show this to you.
you exist.
your future wife.
gue nulisnya kya gue uda her wife. cause he is going to read it when i become his wife. lol! so, i don't write any 'future' hubby/wife.
BalasHapusThis. Is. Hilarious, actually.