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Harriet the Spy is a work of art.
The story is really really really simple that you would find it superbly-boring if the author doesn't have Louise Fitzhugh's touch.
The depth of his characters are amazing.
You just feel like you could relate to every single character.
and Louise Fitzhugh doesn't need to describe every single thing the characters feel. He uses actions instead and it's not something usual.
I don't have the book with me so i can't quote but...
believe me.
It's something you gotta read before you're too old for it.
And i think lots of 15 year old would think it's boring... but idk. i just like it.
and Harriet's hillarious too.
and until the end of the book i'm still wondering what 'Finks!' means.
and i'm sooo envying her for her cake and milk routine. yumyumyum
by the way, it's a motion picture since long time ago, starred by Michelle Trachtenberg.
and Jennifer Stone is playing the second Harriet the Spy movie.
just for your information.
for story review, refer to goodreads.
looks interesting !
BalasHapushappy sunday xx
kris...pencil beli di oriental trading http://www.orientaltrading.com/
BalasHapusThanks for entering the giveaway :)
BalasHapusI think I saw a Harriet the Spy movie..
yes it was! it was tiring!
BalasHapushave a good weekend!
xoxo kelly