Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Status: mau belajar biologi :)
Nowplaying: Fireflies - Owl City. (again)

aku aneh. sementara smua orang seneng UN udh mo slesai, aku malah dreading it. waktu tadi, abis les fisika, aku malah kyk ngrasa kehilangan gitu. karna itu trakir kalinya aku ngeles fisika.
trus besok hari trakhir UN.
yeah go ahead.
pasti smua orang YEAY YIPPE BLABLABLA
not with me :(
i loved going home at ten oclock. kapan lagi pulang sePAGI itu?
i loved it when non-UN teachers dengan lebaynya mengasihani kita. dengan ga kasih pr lah, ulangan gampang lah.
i loved how my parents sangat mementingkan istirahat akhir2 ini.
i loved how i force myself to learn biologi yang sampe saat ini masih ada 80% yg aku ga afal.
i loved how i update my blog cepet2, karna kita supposed to ga ngapa2in selain belajar.
i loved how soal2nya ternyata ga deadly susah.
i loved how we must sit still dan nyari kerjaan waktu kita udah slesai ngerjain soal.
i loved how somehow semua nine graders kayak on the same penderitaan boat.
i loved how kita bisa santai bangeeeeeeeet bgitu slesai UN (biarpun ada guarantee bahwa tugas bakal numpukpukpukpukpukpuk) (lebay)
i loved how kita harus bangun pagi2 karna nyampe ke skolah harus jem 7. (skola kita kan masuk jem 8 aja masi bisa terlambat)

aku jadi somehow sedih gitu.
terserah kalian mo bilang aku freaky nerdy dorky geeky aneh
i just love the UN moments.
and i'm sad besok hari trakhir bisa pulang jem sepuluh.

but anyways,
aku ga nunggu2 UN SMA.
dari dulu semua guru gushing: UN SMP mah masi gampang.
nanti kalo kalian SMA tuh baru SUSAH.
dikira dengan dibilangin gitu kita jadi pede?
jadi serem tau sama UN SMA
gimana sih
kenapa ga bilang semua UN pada dasarnya gampang?

i miss him so much!
i miss his voice!
i miss his FIREFLIES!
dan ternyata setelah CINTA sama fireflies sekian lama,
sampe sekarang ga bosen tuh.
kangen malah.
udah lama ga dengerin.
ga kayak lagu lain yg paling 5 hari frenzying in my head
trus sampe aku eneg2.
oh well...

you know what,
i gotta go ngafalin tentang pencernaan dan enzim.
jangan bingung ya kalo my next post isinya tentang tripsin mengubah protein menjadi pepton. trus amilase mengubah amilum menjadi disakarida. belom lagi tentang otot rangka yg intinya banyak di pinggir. geesh. my head is full of it.

i gotta go.
miss me, people! :D

belajar belajar belajar.

Status: nungguin les Fisika.
NowPlaying: Fireflies - Owl City

nine graders everywhere, how's your day? :)

belajar biologi.

Senin, 29 Maret 2010

I don't know all the key to success, but one key to a guaranteed failure is trying to please everyone. - Rick Warren.

Mati Lampu.

Jadi inget waktu kecil kalo mati lampu suka mainin lilin.
Rambutlah di bakar ujungnya,
Makanan2 di meja makan jg jd korban.
Trs sering bikin small sticks dari residuenya lilin.
Disini mellow bgt.
Bayangin di meja makan ada tiga lilin,
Trs di luar gelap. Ujan.
Tau kan suasana yg bikin pengen diem aja.
Pengen mikirin macem2.
Pengen liatin lilin.

Ujian Nasional-today!

when i stepped out of car today, i get the butterfly feeling in my stomache.
it's like...
this is the day!
the friggin big day we've been preparing for a whole year.
the day that everyone fuss about.
the day that i'm scared of a few months ago.
it's here!
i'm not THAT nervous.
i'm just nervous. more like scared. i mean, aku baru ngerjain 7 soal bahasa Indonesia kemaren. IYA, CUMA TUJUH.
dan nyebelinnya ternyata soal nomor 8-11 yang males aku kerjain karna artikelnya membingungkan KELUAR DI UN HARI INI. grrrrr
trus dari 4 soal yang sama itu, aku SALAH DUA.
yasudahlah. it happened already :(
so what i gotta do right now is....
blajar buat UN selanjutnya...
tp itu ntar aja dah.
biologi lebih penting.
happy studying, semua nine graders seluruh indonesia :)

Kamis, 25 Maret 2010

5300 hari.

my life.
has been cotton candy sweet these last weeks.
bukan karena what have happened.karena kayaknya gada yg happen.
it just felt sweet.
because i'm feeling sweet.

i know what you're thinking :)
no, i'm not in love.
at all.

or probably i am.
with God.
with the sunrise every morning.
with blogger. :)

tapi rasanya useless. i felt sweet. i felt great. then what?
what's all that for?
useless banget hidup aku.
aku udah hidup kurang lebih 5.300 hari.
14 tahun stengah.
5.300 hari. LOL that sounds so short.
5300 hari yang ngebentuk aku jadi kayak sekarang.
5300 hari yang terbentuk menjadi memories yang ada di otak aku saat ini.
untuk apa?
5300 hari.
kalo aku hidup 80 tahun...
aku punya 29.200 hari.
aku udah pake sekitar seperenamnya.

dan 5300 hari itu?
apa yang udah aku lakuin selama 5300 hari itu?
wasting time.
reading books.
ngobrol berjam-jam di telpon.
les mandarin.
les keyboard.
tapi dari sekian banyak aktivitas selama 5300 hari itu.. berapa banyak yang buat Tuhan?
berapa lama aku lupain Tuhan selama aku ngelakuin semua itu?
i've been doing useless things.
i've been spending useless days.
for nothing.
biarpun hidup aku se pink awan2 pagi,
semanis alpukat campur coklat,(yum)
senyaman curling in bed with the AC on,
dan kadang seindah sunset di Bali,
apa gunanya?
nanti kalo aku udah mati,
apa gunanya?
apa Tuhan bakal ngeliat bumi dan geleng2 kepala, trus bilang, poor earth, you've just lost a very important woman who managed to live a sugar sweet life?
seindah-indahnya hidup aku, apa bakal ada gunanya buat Tuhan? buat orang lain? buat temen-temen aku?
gunanya cuma buat aku. cuma aku yang nikmatin my sunshine life. trus waktu aku mati, ga bakal ada bedanya dunia ini sama sebelum aku lahir.

jadi aku mulai mikir,
diantara senyum-senyum aku waktu ngeliat sunset diantara pohon2 tinggi.
apa ini hidup yang Rick Warren udah blabber about di bukunya? hidup yang gada tujuan?
and yes.
it is.
it definitely is.

aku mungkin cewe ordinary yang giggle over cute guys and admire adam lambert's eyes (yes, it's a girl's thing)
aku mungkin rada out of the ordinary karna aku baca buku berat yang biasanya dibaca sama orang seumuran papa.
aku mungkin cewe biasa banget yang suka bengong ngeliat keluar jendela, suka tidur, suka bangun subuh-subuh, suka nangis karena alesan ga jelas, suka marah kalo lagi pms, suka makan tapi ga gemuk2, sering bosen, sering gatau standing sendiri, sering kesel sama diri sendiri,
tapi aku GA AKAN mau jadi kayak orang kebanyakan yang hidupnya gada tujuan.
yang ngejer keberhasilan sama kekayaan,
trus bingung mo diapain lagi hidupnya.
yang ngejer kasih dan penerimaan dari orang.
yang ngejer cinta di dunia, seakan that's all i need to live.
yang seneng2 tapi bangun suatu pagi dan ga punya semangat sama sekali.

aku mungkin ga beda sama 14 year old girl everywhere in Indonesia.
tapi aku ga mau nulis blog, ngereview buku, bertingkah sok ceria,
padahal semua itu ga ada tujuannya.
padahal kalo aku mati semuanya tinggal kenangan.

i need time to figure stuff. i haven't got the conclusion.

ok then,
This is what i write in school. It's freetime and i really feel like writing, but it's kinda impossible for me to update my blog at school. so i just write and thought i'm gonna post it at home.

I am reading Anne Frank.
Which is weird. books like Anne Frank are supposed to be books i've been reading since seventh grade. Well- nevermind.
The guys at my class are singing... i dont know... Bon Jovi songs?
Have I told you they are great singers? - well even though their first try at making a band kinda screwed... still, they're better than Bon Jovi himself :)
and i didnt say that karena peri-kekelasan atau demi solidaritas kelas loh.
they're just so good at making this really comfortable atmosphere in our class. kelas kita jadi somewhat solemn-emoish terus semuanya (well the girls) jadi langsung berkutat dengan buku masing-masing. such a good reading atmosphere. trus feel nya tuh semua langsung pengen mojok sendiri. terus diem. haha i'm weird. whatever.

I think this is what i'm gonna miss the most from ninth grade. I know that however few the new students are gonna be, and even though Adrian is still gonna stay,
i hope it change for the better.
... i dont think so.
pesimis duluan.

Terus beberapa menit kemudian aku tulis ini:
I'm sitting in a corner right now. corners are always amazingly comfy. I'm watching people in my class do things.
playing chess.
reading books.
playing some other unknown games.
this is the week, no more like, the four days before Ujian Nasional and teachers are extremely nice to us!
they give us free time.
and we watch slumdog millionaire sama freedom writer's diary on math class.
have physics quizzes waktu fisika.
library time at english.
hmm hmm
life is looking up to us :)

and the good gracious thing is...
not that i'm pissed off.
i'm more like...

Rabu, 24 Maret 2010

Jigsaw Jones

This is the Jigsaw Jones book i've been reading. the image is from betterworldbooks.com.
I haven't finish Hoot and I give it back to the library. and borrow this. i'll finish Hoot someday. i got real stuck and have no willpower to finish it.
Jigsaw Jones is a thirty minutes book.
But it's cute.
not funny, just cute. it's a superduper easy read. this is the book i'd read on third grade.
but well... as i said before my brain is fuming with all the heavy philosophy books i've been reading so this is quite fun.
So Jigsaw got valentine cards.
it ruined his valentine. well no wonder. he's on primary school.
so he and Mila consider it as a mystery, trying to find out who send it to him.
Hmm I'll make my little brother read this.
It suited him :)
Well that's all i could say about this book.
Good Evening everyone :)

Selasa, 23 Maret 2010

Jigsaw Jones

and YES Jigsaw Jones is what i would read on primary school but i'm tired of the heavy books i've been reading these last weeks. which are:
-Purpose Driven Life.-Rick Warren (gonna read it again. yay!)
-A Man Called Norman.-Mike Adkins
-Cast of Characters.-Max Lucado (*sighs* I Love Max Lucado)
-My Sister's Keeper. -Jodi Picoult
-Life of Pi.-Yann Martel
and so on and so on
i WAS loving adult books last time.
but now all i want is abby hayes and madfinn and jigsaw jones.
or maybe it's because of UJIAN NASIONAL. exams exams exams.
my brain just needed some serious rest.
well not really.
I watch tv and read books and write blogs like there are no exam to mind.
which drive my mom crazy.
so, yes, i do have to study right now.
bye :)

Jurnal Jo

I got stuck on Carl Hiaasen's Hoot so I decided to give this book a try first.
And i finish it in a few hours.
it's been a long time i didnt read book that fast.
even though this is not really thick.
I'm still happy with me :)
So, yes, you might think jumping from the bestselling, award winning Hoot to this quite plain Indonesian Teenlit book is not a good idea.
But, well, it's not bad. I must say Ken Terate is talented and serious in writing. not like most of the other teenlits which are seriously only writing and copying the same stories over and over again.
You know, boring-but-popular topics like there's a plain girl, who doesnt really care about stuff, who's not the mean girl type, who's... plain. and then there's this popular guy (note: he must join the basketball team. or at least make him the head of student council.) who somehow later can know this plain girl and really like the girl and fall in love with the girl and the mean girl would get jealous with this plain girl. stuff like that.
kind of the same like sinetrons too.
Thank goodness Ken Terate isn't like that. she's original. like she said in her blog, YES, she got influenced by some authors after reading a book.
you know that feeling, after you read a book, you just started to wanna write the way the author writes.
But still, her books have the same aura. LOL if there is any aura. it got the feel.
it's always slow paced.
and never breathtaking (read:cliffhangers,shockers)
and that's why i (kind of)like the way she writes.
it's like bringing out the subtle happiness in everything.
it's... quite good.
Yes. i said that after reading loads of newberry honor books.

So the story is...
well it reminds me a lot of being on seventh grade.
being on the early years of adolescence when new excitements just showed up and everything on primary school seems so lame and boring.
i believe she must reread her old diaries to find out how early teenagers really feel.
well there are stages of teenagers too you know.
i could feel the difference of me being on seventh grade
and the now me, being on ninth grade.
and not much teenlit authors remember there are stages. they just write about general teenagers.
Jurnal Jo is just so true.
it's exactly how i think every seventh grader
or people on early puberty age would feel.
two thumbs up, Ken Terate!
You've done a good job on this :)

One thing i dont really like is the book cover.
NOO, i love the picture of the girl swinging but i dont like how the write the 'Jurnal Jo'.
The picture is kind of blury and have a feel of subtle happiness and joy.
The kind of feeling you get when you sit on your porch and feel the wind.
But the JURNAL JO writing ALSO have that feel. the gay-ish feel. (not gay as in gay, gay as in happy)
that's just wrong. you can't combine two subtle elements like that.
I'd like it better if they write the JURNAL JO on bold black. and not sideways like that. the picture is assymetrical enough. (is that how to spell assymetrical?) so the writing should be bold and strong looking.
well that's just an opinion :)

umm and just one more thing. this is what i'd say to Ken Terate:
you're great. you have a different way of writing teenlits. but really, nobody's gonna enjoy your book so much if there are no climax. it's too plain. i like your book but everyone else i know said it's boring. i like the way you write but probably you have to do something with the story. xP

okay then, that's all :)

Senin, 22 Maret 2010


current book: HOOT.
by: Carl Hiaasen.
wait for the review!
Wondering... is this a new trend on Indonesia?
writing blog entries in english?
i should stop.
harus lebih bangga dan biasa berbahasa Indonesia.
someday if i write books and they get famous, internationally, orang luar negeri yang mo baca blog ku harus sedia kamus inggris-indonesia.
trus mreka bakal nyadar kalo bahasa Indonesia menarik.
trus bahasa Indonesia jadi the third International language.
thanks to me.
I mean,
yea, writing blog entries in english emang exercise yang bagus banget. tapi i start feeling like jadi susah nulis dalam bahasa Indonesia.
it just felt weird.
i keep on getting back to english.
ok. this is hard.
kayaknya tuh kalo udah nulis in bahasa phrase yang keluar jadi bahasa inggris semua.
aneh ya. kita bisa jadi kebiasaan gitu.
not that it's bad to write in english
itu jadi lebih kayak...
we're wishing our blog can go international.
which is not impossible
tapi jangan semua entriesnya inggris. we're Indonesians. we should show that we're proud of it.
ok theen.
that's all :)

Dear Future Husband :)

This is inspired by twitter's trending topic right now: Dear future wife.

Dear My Future Husband,
it's weird you know, to think that you're somewhere in this world, probably updating twitter. or eating tomatoes. or picking your nose.
you probably never think that somewhere... there's this person who you may not even know. and she's going to be your wife. someday.

and yeah. i'm thinking of you right now.
whoever you are.
and realize how stupid this is.
there is even a 50% chance that you doesnt exist you know...
well that is if i doesnt get married.

well YES i do wonder who you are and what you're doing right now and what you're thinking of and what you look like.
i wonder if you have a dog.
or if you're tired of your dog.
or if you like walking your dog.

i wonder if you like to watch Glee.
and who's your favourite.
or if you're a fan of kurt too. well i guess not.

I wonder if you have a blog.
I wonder what kinds of book you read.
I wonder if you even like to read.
i hope so.
well the good news is we dont have to buy books for our kids later. i'll save tons of them and we're going to have quite a library.
i hope.

I wonder if you watch ESPN. I dont.
I wonder if you watch Disney.
I wonder if you think love quotes these days are kind of cheesy.
I wonder if you read love quotes.

I wonder if you collect everything and just dont dare to throw them away.
if you do, our future house would be a total mess.

I wonder if you can stand the phrase 'I wonder' if i show you this. someday.

Yes. i could be stupid.
writing silly things like this.
you better try to get used to it.
I warned you.
and i could be messy.
like real messy.

you know what,
i'm somewhat sleepy. and i haven't even eat dinner.
someday i'm gonna show this to you.
you exist.


your future wife.

Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Marshmallow Duckies.

my mom doesn't feel like cooking today so i told her i'd cook.
not that i'm a good cook... i just think it'd be a good way to spend my afternoon.
so i fix some really healthy vegetarian spaghetti.
believe me it doesn't taste yucky.
i put in olive oil and salt and lemon juice and fresh tomatoes and sesame seed into the gluten free pasta. it looks like one of those chinese spaghetti in Dixie. and kind of like Spaghetti House's vegetarian pasta.
it taste sour.
good sour.
not euuw sour.
i also make mashed potatoes and eggs, which doesnt really work out since it ruined the whole fresh taste.

now why do i have the feeling i started to sound like the essays on english Ujian Nasional tryouts?

and my brother make this really cool marshmallow dessert.
he puts marshmallow into the oven.
it reminds me of s'mores.
but we put chocolate toppings on top of the marshmallow and not biscuits.
and we use duckies marshmallows instead of the classic white one.
and for the toppings,
leftover christmas chocolate, caramel candy, and these really cute stone-like candy coated chocolate.
they melt with the marshmallow in the oven
and yeeess, they look cute.
they taste even better.
like, its hard on the outside, and gooey on the inside.

i wish i could put some pictures.
but there's no handy camera around this house.
i'll buy a nice camera...
if i've got enough money.


In memories of the black ring.

Booo. I'm mourning over the lost of my favourite black bead flower ring. :(
i have three of them. black, purple, and orange.
and the black one is the best.
where is it where is it where is it?
my mom got them at some kind of fair and she really likes it.
what am i gonna tell her?
i searched through my bag for it.
but it's no where. i guess it fell from my bag.... somewhere...