Minggu, 05 September 2010

The Milky Way and Me.

we were discussing about the universe and such on geography class today.
stuff like the big bang theory, galaxies, stars, etc.
to be truthful i'm almost asleep during the class.
but it's startling, really, to realize we're nothing much more than dust compared to the suns, to the stars, to galaxies.
and, wow.
how could God loves us so much?
isn't it really easy for Him to pretend He forgot we even exist?
come on. most of the time we don't realize about the dust and bacterias and viruses around us right? they're just too small. too minor.
and Jesus even gave His life for these dust-like creatures? when most of the time they don't even appreciate it?
there's just too much wow going on my head.

and then the whole day i just keep on counting my blessings.

1 komentar:

  1. This always happens when discussing space. How big God is! There is a lot of wow indeed.

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