1. Aryaduta's Chocolate Chip Muffin.
It's always best if you re-microwave it. it's crunchy on the outside and soft, buttery on the inside. It has a good warm buttery taste and nice melting chocolate chip. YUM.
2. Tart Susu.
This is my favourite jajanan pasar. The contrast taste is why it's so good. The crust is crumbly, salty, and dry. And the filling is rich with a sweet cream-like paste.
3. Waffles.
Do i need to explain?
4. Pancakes.
They're my favourite since i first try one.
Yeah, they're all.... Pastries? To eat over teas?
no idea what's the right label.
but they're all comfort food for me.
so you see, that's how my abs and thighs get blubbery.
tart susu? I have never tried that one before. What's the indonesian name?