well nevermind. there's not much ppl reading my blog anyway.
hmmm all i wanna say is,
I ACTUALLY WATCH WORLD CUP! and i didnt fell asleep! wow!
i watched the english vs. german match, and as we all know German won and 'Wasit Goblog' is an immediate Trending Topic. (it's like an inside joke for Indonesians.haha)
me and my classmates went to Dufan two weeks ago (yesss this is kind of like a farewell event). and we actually meet Ruben Onsu and Indra Bekti! they're shooting for Ceriwis and i'm babbling: wiiih kita masuk tv! (we're on tv!)
all i could think of was: I HAVE TO PUT THIS ON MY BLOG!
but well, i'm too lazy because i didnt watch the Ceriwis show anyway.
i wanted to, but i never had time on saturday mornings.
That is, until my friend texted me this morning that the Ceriwis show is on tv again and it's the Dufan edition.
and yesss i could see myself on tv. (it was such a proud.)
i'll post a picture of our class and Panda (the host of Termehek2 remember?) someday as a prove.
well this must be quite an annoying post. i realize myself that i'm being a complete NORAK person because of the Dufan thingy.
and if you're not Indonesian, i dont think you'll get it either.
i'm happy enough just to write it here.
Just if I watched closely to see you!