Minggu, 08 Agustus 2010


Happy belated birthday to Bobby Fernando!
please publish a book based on your blog. it's gonna be interesting. haha
(and if you do, you owe me a signed version)
i'm always late at saying happy birthdays *sigh*.

anyways, talking of birthdays, my birthday is right one month away!
i wanna do something different.
you know... stop making it just another passing year.
well first thing i want to do before i'm 15:
-write an article (or story or whatever) and get it published on a magazine.
it would really be my dream come true.

2 komentar:

  1. Much thanks. Late is not a big matter. And I hope I can get a book released for my next birthday - if it's based of my blog, that should be A Wimpy Kid style. You'll get one signed-copy free.

    Lengthy comment eh?

  2. heheh yaah i know grace u know her? ookokok bakal ku smpein slamnya hahahha

    xoxo kelly


go ahead and tell me what you think! :)